
Hello there, I’m Zane.

When it comes down to introductions, I’d like to envision myself as a visual artist, embracing the diverse roles of a designer, photographer, videographer, and writer.

SHDW arose from a whimsical notion that light and shadows are inseparable, and the tantalising allure of what resides within the darkness is gradually unveiled. Like many photographers captivated by the pursuit of light, I, too, once overlooked the enigmatic charm concealed within the shadows of a photograph. You can consider Shadow as an alter ego to my other site, KWZN Observatory, where I’ve written lifestyle pieces. Here, though, is where I’ll share some of the more intriguing musings that have unfolded through the depths of time. Welcome, and enjoy your stay.

Should you find yourself overwhelmed by an exhilarating rush of catecholamines to start a thoughtful conversation, feel free to reach out to me on Instagram or by using this contact form. Links to my other social media accounts are on Mars Lnkr (a personal “Linktree”).


Shadow (updated 2024-03-18 15:56) is a static website created and generated with Hugo and is deployed through Cloudflare Pages.

I use Logseq and Ulysses for writing, Adobe Photoshop, and Lightroom Classic for editing photos and images. To find inspiration, I delve into the captivating hallucinations of Generative AI engines and their respective online communities. But usually, submerging myself in the tranquillity of a running shower is more than enough.